3D printing has been booming for years now and is increasingly adding to industrial production processes. As a result, the “Business Development Additive Manufacturing” department was already established by the dosing technology manufacturer ViscoTec in 2015. “We still see tremendous potential in this area,” says Georg Senftl, Managing Director of ViscoTec Pumpen- und Dosiertechnik GmbH. “Over the last few years, we have had a lot of exciting projects in 3D printing, which we were able to achieve and shape with our technology – partly already in the development phase – which was a great advantage for us. We were able to refine our technology, especially for additive production, and to adapt our print heads perfectly to the given conditions. The market is changing very quickly and we want to respond as quickly as possible. For this reason, we expanded the department in January.” says Georg Senftl.

Felix Gruber

Felix Gruber

Felix Gruber, who has been working for ViscoTec in Product Management and Sales for many years, now complements Florian Pelzl. Together, they are responsible for all aspects of additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Felix Gruber conducts business primarily in sales and marketing activities. Florian Pelzl is mainly responsible for research and development and is involved in cooperating with research institutes.

Florian Pelzl

Florian Pelzl

The product range for 3D printing includes print heads as well as feed systems for 1 and 2-component fluids with different viscosities. All systems are based on the endless piston principle, which guarantees a shear-sensitive, pressure-stable and pulsation-free material application. This technology even allows for the 3D printing of abrasive, partly highly-filled media. ViscoTec print heads can be integrated into many existing 3D printer systems and are considered to be the solution to the additives manufacturing of viscous pastes and fluids.

The post Additive Manufacturing: Growing demand for 3D printing of viscous fluids appeared first on ViscoTec Pumpen- u. Dosiertechnik GmbH.

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